Manatee Viewing in Florida

Although not exclusive to Florida (see more on Wikipedia), manatees are animals very often associated closely with the Florida wildlife scene.  Many individuals (residents and visitors alike) seek the opportunity to view them in their natural environment.  These gentle giants are not only impressive in size, but their shape, habitat and activity are also unique.  The pages and links here on Florida Nature Guide are designed to provide information regarding prime watching opportunities and other articles of interest for the local manatee population.

Web cams were recently made available at the Blue Springs State Park for those who are unable to visit the park in person. This important state park is home to many manatees during the colder winter months. Follow this link to the Manatee Feed provided by the Save the Manatee organization responsible for its development, where you can also view a wide array of recorded videos during the warmer months when manatees move out into the open waters of Florida and are not commonly spotted at the park. 

The following article is provided here on Florida Nature Guide is an excerpt from a news article originally posted in the Florida State Park newsletter.  It should be of benefit to those seeking manatee viewing opportunities while we develop a more complete resource for your benefit: State Park Newsletter Article


This section is under development  for further articles of interest, and will be added to shortly.

Please return for more in the near future. 



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