Welcome to Florida Wildlife Viewing!
This site is dedicated to assisting those individuals primarily interested in viewing the unique Florida wildlife. The resources and links within these pages focus on observing the local inhabitants of Florida's natural areas rather than other recreational opportunities available in the area.
Many of the links contained within this section of the Florida Nature Guide are to agencies or other websites focused on wildlife viewing in Florida. These are sites we have found to provide helpful information for those wishing to experience Florida wildlife close up. Florida wildlife identification guides (both printed and online), along with blogs, articles of interest and recommendations for top wildlife viewing areas will be found in this section.
You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with the other information available on the websites you may be linked to during your visit here. A great deal of research has gone into each of these sites to identify the best resource for use here on Florida Nature Guide. Many of these government and private groups provide an impressive array of other services, guides and information in addition to the tools and articles immediately linked to.
This site is provided to cut through some of the fog and maze of unrelated materials often encountered when searching for Florida wildlife viewing interests. Florida Nature Guide continually seeks to link you directly to the area of interest and provide useful tools to make the most of your visit.
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