Butterflies are some of the most marvelous inhabitants of Florida.  Their gentle flights in search of food or mating delights the nature lover in all of us.

These pages within the Wildlife Viewing section of Florida Nature Guide are dedicated to those individuals wishing to enjoy these beautiful creatures in their natural environment.  Resources are provided here selecting some of the links  proven to be beneficial for streamlining your outdoor nature experience.

There is a section on the FWC (Florida Wildlife Commission) website focused on butterfly watching recreational opportunities in Florida.  You can take a shortcut to their site related to Florida Butterflies by clicking on the photo to the right.  ►

Butterfly Encounters is a series of booklets provided by the University of Florida.  At a price of $7, this publication is a great deal for beginners and experienced butterfly enthusiasts alike.  You can follow the featured links on the FWC website, or follow this direct link to this product in the University bookstore: Butterfly Encounters


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